Monday, February 28, 2011

Great quote of the day!

This weekend was amazing! MOCA on Friday, sold so many light bulbs! I hope to make this a business someday with my sister.. I'll start with a simple website or something.. that'll be great! but after finals.

Saturday, I went to TJ, Mexico to play and feed orphans. So overwhelming to see the difference a border can impact on standard of living.

Sunday, Got to rest and be with my amazing boyfriend. (: Oh, we also bought a couch for our apt. I look at it every single time I walk into the door. Not used to it yet.

But yeah.. I like this quote.
Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity.  -Morley

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

MOCA crunch Time!

Three more days til MOCA: Human Trafficking Awareness! As my part of the event planning, I got to help with my favorite thing to do.. I get to make things to sell! I love making things!

okok.. So here's the low down. This year's cause is Human Trafficking Awareness, in which we will try to raise money for women and children in Thailand. In partnership with Children of Grace, the concept is 24 x 24 x 24. We will try to raise $24 for each sex slave, spend 24 hours to share the gospel.. I forgot the what the last 24 is supposed to be.. but this is such a good cause to make a dent in the modern day slavery.

Because Sex trafficking is densely populated in Red light districts, We thought of a good way to incorporate the past of these to women and children and tying it with a new hope. Hence; our brand name is called Hope Lights!

Check out some of the bulbs we've painted so far!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I <3 Kevin so much! I'm ever so thankful for everything he has done and thankful for having him in my life. He took me to this really nice restaurant called Icugini. Troy was our personal host and we got to eat appetizers, entrées, and desserts! Who'd a thought I would try expensive truffles! Yum! 

We got to stroll on Santa Monica Pier after.. to shed some pounds we just consumed. Ended the night with a little song I serenaded Kevin with. (:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Triple date

I love the feeling when midterms are over and we don't have to study anymore!
This weekend was definitely a chill weekend. What a better way to enjoy a midterm and study free weekend none other than have a date. A triple date!

Dinner at CPK, topped with a run to Target to get candy before going to the movie theater. We watched King's speech and ended the night with playing Tetris battle on Facebook until 2 in the morning. Great weekend!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chex mix!

Today, I made homemade chex mix with the rice chex and the wheat chex. In the bunch I found special chex(s). It reminded me of Kevin and me.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


So yesterday, Kevin and I did this intense workout routine called Insanity. The moves make you look stupid and the moves look really easy... but it turns out that Insanity is called Insanity for a reason. To celebrate a good workout, we grubbed on Stone fire grill feast! I know, I know.. eating after exercising negates the purpose of exercising.. but eating was my incentive to exercise in the first place. (:

Today, I am super sore..

Interesting day today. I got to reunite with my dorm roommates, I got to give input on Moca's tagline, and I got to meet this amazing girl who came to my small group.  What started out as a slow, sore day, turned out to be a very "looking forward" day. I'm looking forward to more hangouts with my former roommates. I'm looking forward to creating and making things for Moca, and I'm looking forward to getting to know the new girl. She's pretty cool. I think she encourages me be more prayerful. So I'm looking forward to being deeper and closer to God even more! (: