Saturday, September 24, 2011

Casa Hogar en Mexico!

Decided to go to Mexico on a whim. It was one of the best times because I got to spend it with some of the Skid Row family and, of course, Kevin. I helped make chocolate chip cookies for the kids. Ate mucho mucho mucho comida! Cheap tacos, frozen fruit popsicle, and freshly made churros. Yum! Great weekend to have before school starts! (:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Daniel's fast

First time doing a Daniel's fast and it was not as bad as I thought. Course, I only did it for a week. But it was a learning and humbling experience. I came into the fast not knowing what to do or why I did it. But then I figured out that I just wanted to get closer to God. At the end of the week, I had a clearer complexion, I got to talk to God a lot more, even though it feels like I'm talking to myself a lot more.. and I got to understand Daniel. What a perfect time to do so since I'm in the Beth Moore's Daniel study. I thank God for this week. I'm also thankful for garlic salt. Note to self... Always have garlic salt on handy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First day at S.O.S!

Woke up every 2 hours because I was so excited to go in for my first day at S.O.S. As a noob at pharmacy technician or pharmacy anything, I found it kind of hard typing all the prescriptions that the doctors sent. The typing part wasn't hard, but the actual drug stuff was kind of hard. Note to self.. need to learn the generic and the brand names. Also need to relearn Spanish. Today was a great day though, I even got to sit in on an MTM. I now know how to inject an insulin. Can't wait for the rest of the year to learn and be a better pharmacy tech.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Anniversary #2

2 years with Kevin and it is oh sooo good! We celebrated by going to Skid Row and serving the homeless. What a way to spend our anniversary by sharing the love and loving on others. (:

Being poor

This is not to put down anyone, but to have a change of perspective. I am definitely grateful for what I have.

*Being poor is your kids getting excited on Dumpster-hunt day, because that’s the only time they get to eat “real food” like cookies, fresh fruit and desserts.
*Being poor is staying with a man who beats your kids because you can’t afford to keep them out of foster care without his salary.
Being poor means making decisions like “is stealing food a sin” outside of an ethics class.
*Being poor is scrambling under the car seats to make up enough change to get two happy meals to split between a family of 4 – and everyone is ecstatic when you do so.
Being poor is realizing that heating and eating will probably be mutually exclusive this month.
*Being poor is find that your landlord has tied $20 to your steering wheel out of pity.
Being poor is finally realizing that when your Mom says you can be anything you want, she doesn’t really believe it, but feels she has to keep saying it anyway to keep the whole family from falling into despair-based lifestyles.
Being poor is learning to live with condemned-quality housing because coming up with the first and last month’s rent, plus utility deposits, you’d need to move is a pipe dream.