Sunday, October 31, 2010

Newsong All Church Retreat!

Who would have thought that I would go to an all church retreat with a church that's not my home home church? Knowing that I go to Newsong church when I'm away from my home church makes me think/ feel that Newsong is just a substitute church. But! my mentality has changed. Newsong is a family church. No matter if you're a guest or a long-timer, Newsong treats everyone like a family. And so, family/ community was the theme of the retreat this weekend.  

Murieta Calvary Chapel Resort and Bible school is so beautiful and relaxing. The best part was being able to sit in the hot springs after an hour or two worth of baby sitting. Oh!.. So I signed up as a childcare volunteer at retreat, knowing that I'd baby sit, but not knowing that I'd actually be the leader/ teacher for 8 year old kids. I think I was scared of the children than they were of me! I've never taught twelve 8-year olds before and man on man! It was kind of hard to be the bossy bully. But! It was a great experience because I came out with lots of tiny friends, the knowledge of being a better parent, and a voiceless voice. I lost my voice for sure.. 

Although serving takes sacrifice, I didn't really get to go the the sessions. I guess the childcare team had just enough volunteers to divide the age groups, but not enough to take shifts. God is good though. I learned a lot. And we got to relax in the hot springs for therapeutic relief.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

For those who play Plants vs. Zombies!

You can get your own plant!!! ahaha! Creative people.. I wish I thought of that first. lol!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

haha! TOO fat.. Cute!

I won't be that mean and leave him to roll like that..
Well... Maybe for a little bit. lol.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Life lesson Equations

I learned so much in the Break Free Bible study today.
I don't know if it's the equations that spoke out to me because I'm a nerd, or because it's just so true.

- Christ sets the captive free through Truth.
- Satan sets the free captive through lies.

My environment + my experiences = Truth ( my testimony and my life's lesson brings truth because I've already gone through it).

My truth + 0 = incomplete ( Revealing my junk doesn't help if I'm honest. It also takes God to heal it).

My truth + satan's truth = captivity ( Self-delusion and denial makes us lie. Life of captivity = life of detachment).

My truth + God's truth = Freedom ( SELF-EXPLANATORY)
God's word is truth and the truth sets us free!

This inspires me to study!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Universal Studios!

Went to Universal Studios with my church friends and Kevin!
Halloween Horror night!
It was actually fun! For some reason, I wasn't as scared.

I would day the best maze was the tram one! I recommend it.! Basically, you go on a tram ride and the tram ride breaks down in the middle of the tour. The rest.. you have to see. (:

The best ride was the Mummy! I haven't been there since the Mummy was a walk through instead of a ride. BUT it was sooo fun! I definitely Recommend!

The best part, was being with Kevin. <3 I have no fear with him.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Planting of the Lord

Small group day is always nerve wrecking for me.. For some reason, up until the time people start coming in, I have a feeling of nervousness.. of confusion.. and of.. what am I talking about kind of feeling. It's because of God's grace that when people start coming that I get an overwhelming peace.

Today we talked about the things that keeps a plant alive.

God is the planter, we are the plant, and His word is the seed.
Small group was amazing because we got to talk openly about where we're at spiritually. God always manages to bring amazing people in my life. I love the girls already. (:

I got to take home a plant of my very own. I hope it's long living.

Purple-Yellow Pansy..
Haha funny name. Pansy..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I got Anointed today in Women's small group!
The whole experience was amazing because right after, we got to share about our strongholds in our lives that are hindering us from living a spirit-filled life.

I thought the order of events was analogous to how Jesus did it. He choose me as His precious child, not knowing or caring the sins in my life.

Being anointed made me have the same feeling of when a famous person touches your hand and you don't want to wash your hand forever. If I could, I would keep the anointing oil on my forehead forever and never wash it off. :)

I'm Yours(ukulele)

Haha! He makes me smile!
This is for you Jen! Since I know you love kids! (:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

First Small Group Ever!

Words cannot express how amazing God is!
Even though today was my first small group ever, even though numbers weren't that high, and even though I had no idea what I was doing... God was in the midst of us. He brought two EAs. I don't know if they're just checking it out or what not, but I'm really glad that they came. I was nervous at first, but I wasn't nervous anymore when we got to share and learn more about each other. I had no reason to be nervous because it's not me that's trying to impress, it's God that will move in this small group.

Today's activities were simple.. do a 5 finger ice breaker, talk about our vision, and write a letter to God.

Even though not much was planned, the timing was perfect, and everything flowed. We were able to be open with each other and to be REAL. For some reason, I can't stand fakeness.. so I'm really glad to have the people who came out come out.

We got to share about:
  (thumb) = what's Good about us, our strengths
  (index) = where our direction is heading, our goals and ambitions
  (middle) = our pet peeves
  (ring) = our commitments
  (pinky) = our weaknesses
I don't really know what this activity is called, but Kristen learned this when she was on missions in East Asia. Whatever it's called, it's a really good ice breaker. 

I pray, that as the quarter goes on, God will bring rawness and intimacy to our small group. (:

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Row

Today was the first Friday of the quarter. The first Friday that would initiate many trips down to LA, initiate many volunteer opportunities for college students..  but most of all.. initiate sowing of the service seed in people’s heart.

Not many people came to the Row today. It was only Kevin, me and George. I’m so glad that Kevin came down to Irvine and drove with me to Downtown LA. It’s pretty far driving from Irvine to LA, but tonight was especially far because it was especially trafficky. The night started small with just 5 people including Cue, Troy, us, who came from Irvine, and a really drunk guy.

The drunk guy prayed after Cue prayed about forgiveness and how he has to ask for forgiveness every single day... He was “ the most sensed drunk guy ,“ according to Cue. What started as just a simple prayer from a drunk guy, came lots of other drunk/high people. I figured.. it’s because it’s the beginning of the month that people just spend their paycheck on booze, drugs, or both. The streets were very busy tonight.

I would say that tonight was the most of the scariest time I had at the row. There was this huge black lady who came after Cue closed in prayer. She had a sense of authority because she would not go in the back of the line.. but say that, “I am the line.” She would not budge. She all of a sudden came so close to my face, staring those dark intense eyes into my eyes,  slithering her head as if she was like a snake, and slurring an eerie  question, “Who’s your God?” I just stood there.. (thinking to myself... maybe.. maybe not..) Good thing Kevin stepped up. But she did the same thing to Kevin too. And then Cue came. The huge black lady caressed her cheeks on Cue’s shoulder. But Cue coolly brushed her off. When the lady left.. Cue turned around to smile and me and Kevin and said, “Demonized.” He confirmed what I thought to myself earlier.. I was staring into the eyes of a demon attached woman! I was pretty scared.

After passing sacs of McDonald hamburgers and water out, I got to talk to Luis, a black guy who lives around the neighborhood and who always comes out to the row. He can whip out sooo many Bible verses like it’s etched in this brain. He described how he saw spirits and wasn’t afraid of them. He described it like looking at a light and seeing the orb around it.  He talks a lot, btw.

Leaving the Row was a bit scary too. It turned out that Cue and Troy left before us (me, Kevin, and George). We got caught up in praying for this two guys and it was already past 9 o’clock. The scary part was seeing all the drug dealers come out. It was when we were done praying that Kevin opened the front door of my car and told me to, “go, go, go, drug dealers are behind us.” I sped off and left the image of three huge, bald, drug dealers on my rearview mirror.

It was some interesting night at the Row. But God is good is keeping us safe and loving those on the streets.