Thursday, June 2, 2011

Last small group...

There are so many words I can use to describe my small group... Unique, non-conformist, serving, willing, different backgrounds, special... One word I would definitely use is that our small group is Beloved.

With different girls from different backgrounds, all not from the Edge, I got to learn so much through them. It's amazing how God can put completely opposite people together and bring unity through His word and love. I'd say our small group is Beloved because no matter what each girl went through, the commonality is that God loves each and everyone of us. And the fact that we grasp God's love, we were able to love and respect each other as women and brides of God. God is soo Good and I'm thankful for all He has done through this small group.Though it started hard with inconsistencies to lack of leadership to being burnt out, I can't thank God enough for letting me meet the girls that came through our small group. 

The best small group study was when all the girls actually came on the same day. It was mid second quarter and the girls met each other there for the first time. We did an encouragement activity where we put strings of encouragement on each other. We encouraged the girl to the left. What was so beautiful was that though they didn't know each other, the girls were able to speak from their hearts as if they saw each girl like how God saw her. I don't know if what I'm saying makes sense... but that day was the most inspiring time I had in small groups. 

We aren't the most typical small group with Edge people in it. We have no name or have any t-shirt designs to label us. We are unique in itself, because we choose to Love God by serving Others. We are the service small group! 2010-2011!

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