Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1st day of Welcome week

School officially started with the festivities of welcome week.

Today, I helped flyer for the Edge. I didn't expect to help today, but I ended up helping most of the day. It was pretty hot in the sun that I got a bad burn on the back of my neck. It's an outline of my shirt. lol. Pretty funny.

Today was pretty cool because I got to reconnect with my classmates. It's not like I didn't have a good relationship with them last year and the year before, but it's just that I have the opportunity to hang out with them more because Kevin is not around. It feels pretty weird not having Kevin around. I really miss him a lot because all my college years, Kevin was always around. It's not the same without him. But! I managed. I managed to keep my day busy with helping to make over 30 phone calls, and helping to do rides for Praise Night, and helping to take freshies out to eat after Praise Night.

Praise night at Newsong was good. 2 hours of worshiping! Intense.. kind of long.. but it's a good starting kick for the beginning of the year. I took 3 freshmen girls and a a boy to the event. They were all sweet and talkative. It's cool how they just met each other and yet they already seem so close. After Praise night, a bunch of us just mingled.. like always.

The freshmen are so sweet. We went to In & Out and just chilled. They bought me dinner because I drove them around! I got to eat double double and animal style fries. So much! I love the freshmen. So sweet!

So at night night, I went to the Arc just to check out Late Night at the Arc. It was crowded like always. But It was cool seeing a lot of my hall mates and Devin! I was dead beat tired though! From being sun burned to being overly enthusiastic all the time to having food coma. It was a great first day of welcome week. All I know what I'm going to do tomorrow is to sleep! Yay for sleep!

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