Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bringing England back..

Today was the first day I actually woke up pretty late.. 8 o'clock. The day started out mundane, but it started to get productive after lunch.

My sister and I made scones!!! It's so easy to make and it tasted quite lovely with the Earl Grey tea we bought for my mom. I tried to look up how to make clotted cream, but it turns out that it's easier to just buy clotted cream rather than to make it. It basically takes 12 hours to make the clotted cream. In memory of the good times of afternoon tea, my sister and I had afternoon tea with scones! It was still lovely!

Earl Grey with milk and sugar.
Freshly baked scones with jam.
I don't know what clicked, but I became OCD after afternoon tea and I started cleaning a lot. I cleaned the fridge out, throwing all the expired and moldy food. I started to categorize the sauces and jams. I wiped down the counters and I washed so many dishes. I don't know what came over me though, I just couldn't stop cleaning! Actually, ever since I got home that's what I've been doing. I've already cleaned the my entire room and the closet pantry. Tomorrow will be the big garage. For dinner, I made Sambal Tempe, which is a spicy soybean Indonesian dish. I'm thankful for my mom because she taught me and raised me well. (:

I ended the night going to Marking Night. Every Thursday night in Redlands, there's a market night where vendors sell fruit, vegetables, artwork, etc. I'm glad that the Market Night is at night because it's way cooler than during the day. But even though it's night, tonight was still hot, 100 F. I started sweating just eating my Gyro! It was still that hot. But the market life brings back memories of England and it's market.

Yay! Market Night. I used to go here when I was in high school.
Brings back nostalgic feelings. (:
The animals are caramel apples on a stick.

Today was just a lovely day. (:

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