Friday, July 16, 2010

Market Day!

The best way to experience the heart of culture is to go to the markets. Yeah, there are the tourist sites of ancient buildings, museum sites of famous paintings.. but the best way to see culture to its very core is to go to markets where creativity is born and discovered!

Look at all the colorful souvenirs! Most of them are hand made!
Going to markets is like me being a kid in a candy store!
I love the vibe and the creativity!

Since all my friends went to Scotland this weekend, my sister and I decided to venture on our own. To be honest, it's so much easier traveling the two of us. We got to see so much more!

Platform 9 & 3/4. This is the platform where Harry Potter goes
to go to Hogwarts. My sister and I looked all over King's
Cross. I had no idea that the platform was fake. I was leading my sister
to the actual platform 9-10. When my sister asked a worker, the
worker smiled and knew what she was talking about. Fun times!
A huge horse statue at Stable Market. There were horse statues everywhere.
No wonder the market is called Stable Market. My sister and I totally didn't
see this market last time we were in Camden. We hit jackpot!

We hit Greenwich market, Camden Market, and Camden lock again. A new market we went to was the Stable market.

Since I've already put pictures of Greenwich and Camden Market,
I won't bother with the same pictures. But the Stable Market, I would say,
would be the uniquest market I've been to.
The stores were ornate and intricately carved.
And there were horses everywhere! Even the chandeliers
were awesome!

Today was amazing! I got to hang out with my sister and we got to see 4 markets in one day! We got home and cooked our first homemade meal! We've been lazy when it comes to eating. We usually microwave food.. but today was good. We had a dinner and movie. We watched 'Cloudy with a chance of meatball.'

We made pink pasta with spam and vegetables.
I had no idea that pink is a mixture of
red and white sauce. I learned something new! Along side
with learning that platform 9 & 3/4
is not real. haha!

To top the day, my sister and I did our own Hennas! So at Greenwich, there was a booth where a lady said she can do a small henna for 1 pound. There was another booth with a lady who sold the paste for 1 pound. Of course we bought the paste! It's cheaper! So we had a henna party too. (:

Our own artwork.

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